Wednesday 28, Sept, 2011- SDA Academy (2nd Visit)
We almost forgot that we had to revisit SDA, we had done the form 4 s previously however we had promised to return to present to the entire school. So happy that it work out for us to be there. What a wonderful time we had at SDA. The students and teachers were very attentive and appreciative of our sharing and presence. We enjoyed the fact the the teacher asked the students 3 things they learnt from the presentation. That was notable! The responses indicated that they were receiving the message. SDA turned out to be our final school on the Campaign Trail. Thanks for having us again SDA and STAY BEAUTIFUL!!
Monday 26 Sept, 2011- St. Mary's College
We arrived at college, Dr. Matthew's past school, quite early. We were greeted by the Principal and the counselor. They were very helpful in getting us set up and having the young beautiful boy settled into the hall. Hall felt inviting the mural painted by the students was very intriguing. Mr Seon introduced us and Dr Matthew gave a very motivational talk that was well received by the Samarians. The students were very responsive and energetic throughout and seemed very happy with the music. They were very intrigued by the information that we shared. It was refreshing. We took a bit of time during the presentation to let them settle down now and then, but felt really happy that they maintained interest in the presentation. We received thanks from the students and staff afterwards and left on a high. Thanks for have us BEAUTIFUL SAMARIANS!!
Monday 19th Sept- Micoud Secondary
After VF Campus B the WI team stopped for a short while to have some food and drink. We needed the energy! We wanted to be fresh and pumped for Micoud. We were excited after already receiving such great corporation from the principal before hand. Micoud was OH SOO refreshing! There is something really special about the staff and students. We were greeted nicely.. things were just organized and flowed well. Dr Matthew connected with several students while we were setting up. The students were friendly and curious :) The presentation was ignited by the enthusiasm of the students. Despite the scorching sun they were right their with us, following, responding and laughing. MICOUD YOU ARE THE HEART OF THE UPCOMING IAB DAY! Thanks for the smiles, corporation and the snacks you gave us! See you soon! Pics coming up!
Monday 19th Sept- VF Campus B
Here we were again on the southern trail from about 6am, heading to VF Campus B, for the second time. We were looking forward to having good weather and a very positive impact on the students. This time the sun was wide awake and blazing. The principal welcomed us and began organizing the students. They were definitely more attentive and generally receptive to the message. They seemed really intrigued by the STI component. About 20 mins into our 35 minute presentation the principal impressed on Ms Montoute to wrap up. Ms Montoute delivered to the best of her ability but was cut short by a 2 students fainting. We attended and assisted in stabilizing the students. We had to rush off because we were scheduled to visit Micoud secondary school. We are hopeful that the message reached the hearts and minds of those who most needed it! THANKS FOR HAVING US AGAIN! Pics coming up!
Monday 7th Sept- St. Joseph's Convent
Convent my Alma Mater :) There was no doubt in my mind that convent would be a memorable experience! We were there from about 7:30 am, however we had to wait a while before the hall was open to set up. By 8 am we were buzzing and setting up with the help of a teacher. Assembly began with prayers, singing. We were then introduced by the principal and the counselor! The SJC screen on stage and the hall made the presentation very effective. The students we very attentive, responsive and some even emotional. After the presentation a student rep came up an expressed appreciation; the vice principal personally thanked us saying that she had heard about it, but never realized it would such a wonderful experience Sister Ruthina, prinicipal even suggested starting up a Wellness Group inspired by the presentation. Several students came to personally to thank the group! I gave a shout out to my cousin and little sister who attend the school! A VERY POSITIVE VIBE SJC !!! Looking forward to the IAB DAY!
Wednes 22nd June- Bonne Terre Prep (High School)
We were back up north this Wednes. on the road early searching the Bonne Terre area for the High school. Luckily Dr Matthew noticed a friend who happened to work at the school. We only a few seconds from it. :) We entered into the 'homey" school and began setting up as the students were organised in one room. Yes just about 40 of them. There was no need for sound for sure. They were quite pleasant and attentive throughout. They were all ears!! The staff was very helpful in getting us organised for the students. Some students were given wristbands for coming up to declare their beauty with much enthusiasm. We didn't have a camera with us however a teacher took some pics. Thank you BONNE TERRE for having us! Looking forward to the pics!
Wednes 8th June- Grande Riviere Secondary School
The team was very happy to have visited Grand Riviere Secondary, after having great difficulty locating the number in the directory. We were received with open arms, by the principal, teachers and small student population. The school has tremendous potential, yet not many persons realized that is no longer a senior sec, but a full Secondary School. It was a wonderful experience with the students, they were attentive throughout the presentation and even come to us offer to thanks and help. The teachers and counselor showed great appreciation. We did however observed that they were a bit shy to come up to the mic and declare their beauty, and BEAUTY FULL they were! THANK YOU GRANDE RIVIERE SECONDARY FOR HAVING US!!!!
Monday 6th June 2011- Vieux Fort Campus B
So here we were again heading down the southern road, never minding the dark heavy clouds that lingered above. We hoped that by the time we arrived at VF Campus B the weather would be ideal. Upon arrival we were greeted by the energetic principal who assisted us in setting up. I was able to share a short message on emotional health and song, however by the time Dr. Matthew received the mic, the rain came pouring. He only had a moment to encourage the students to be more settled pay more attention when visitors come to their school. The team looks forward to returning to VF Campus B to deliver the complete message. Again another BEAUTIFUL DAY , with plenty lessens and blessing!!
Wednesday 1st June 2011- Marigot Secondary
When we arrived at Marigot around 7:30 am the hall was closed, and it afforded us the opportunity to bond with some wonderful students. Dr Matthew noticed that one of the students was being encouraged to take her Student Based Assessment ( SBA) seriously. He encouraged her and told her that she has good friends. She remained with us, shared her sweet energy and helped us prepare the hall. We also connected with one of the most resourceful persons I have met in my life. He assisted and took great initiative in helping us set up sound, I even taught him what I know about sound. See pics of them below. We felt a deep sense of interest, and support from the Marigot students throughout the presentation. It was refreshing. We felt like Maritgot made our day! Students came up to declare their beauty and receive prizes. Teachers showed their appreciation. A VERY BEAUTIFUL DAY! MARIGOT THANK YOU!
Monday 30th May 2011- Vieux Fort Campus A
Wednesday 25/05/2011- Vieux Fort Technical Secondary School
The Blue Buggy was on the road from 6:30am this morning heading down to VF Tech. No doubt we were excited, after already receiving such a positive and energetic response from the Principal. We set up in the hall and got assistance with the screen from staff. It was a bit of a challenge on my end getting the sound to its optimal, however things worked out well. The students were generally attentive and very intrigued by the singing, STI information and dental presentation. I encouraged the students to feel proud that they are technical and know that they can succeed and make great money with their skills. Ms. Montoute engaged one boy; invited him up and pointed out how beautiful his smile was. The students cheered! Dr. Matthew reiterated the need to love self in protecting yourself against STIs. A few came up to declare their beauty on the mic. We received a wonderful thank you from NINTUS a youth advocate, singer and teacher at the school. After the presentation, some students showed appreciation and of course solicited bands :) We received some refreshments. WE FELT THE LOVE!!!!!! VIEUX FORT TECH--- RESPECT!!! :)
Wednesday 18/05/2011- Seventh Day Academy
We were initially scheduled to deliver the presentation to the whole school, however the hall was being used by the CXC students. The secretary and teacher organised for us to speak to form 4s in one classroom. This was our smallest group to date. We presented without the sound system. Prior to going on, while tuning my guitar one of the strings burst :( this meant that my presentation would be greatly compromised. I was a bit disappointed and so were the students, however we forged on. Dr. Matthew, after completing the STI component, encouraged me to sing accepella and the students agreed and I did. They were allowed to ask questions after. They seemed very intrigued by Dr. Matthew's presentation on all the STI that had to no cure, and the ways they can be spread even through kissing. One of the students thanked us for coming and assured us that the information will be used to maintain their beauty. Thanks for having us SDA. We will be back to complete the rest of the school.
Monday 16/05/2011- Anse Ger Secondary School
The journeys down south are always in some way therapeutic. Today was no exception:) It was quite an eventful morning though. We had to make our way through the heavy showers in Castries. Both my self and Ms Montoute got some heavy rain blessing. It was great that we had the equipment packed in the Blue Buggy the night before. Getting to Anse Ger though was some what of a wild goose chase. We were of the impression the school was just about 10 minutes from Micoud secondary. We entered the wrong gap and had to be stopping ever so often to make sure that we were on the right track :). However we finally got there and was greeted by the vice principal. Students settled in there chairs as we set up sound and projection. They were quiet through out and seemed to have received the message well. Ms Montoute reminded the students that they are worth us coming down south and that they are Beautiful and should take care of their health. Some students assisted with carrying items to the vehicle. We past on the tokens to the vice principal who thanked us for coming. Another great day. THANK YOU ANSE GER!
Wednes. 11/05/2011- Entrepot Secondary School
Another absolutely beautiful day. Entrepot was shining just like the weather today. We were early and ready to ROCK! The Vice principal and staff got the students to settle nicely with their chairs on the court. We had to be careful to keep our presentation short so as to not disturb the CXC students. Once again the students were attentive through out. After the presentation a few students come up and explained that they really appreciated us coming and learnt some very important information. They also assisted with carrying the equipment to the Blue Buggy :). I was kind of disappointed that we were not able to let the students come up to the mic, because of the disturbance it may cause with those sitting exams. I have a plan though, to let at least 1 student come up at the next school. We handed bands and bookmarks to the vice principal, gave to some students who came to ask. THANK YOU ENTREPOT. YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!!
Monday 09/05/2011- Piaye Secondary School
Piaye your sweet energy blessed us today. We were running a little late from Castries and the team and the Blue Buggy were beginning to wonder if we would make it in time. The Principal and Vice Principal however gave us a warm welcome and organised for us to speak to the school, despite the CXC exams. We were impressed by how quietly students set their chairs and remained quiet and attentive through out the presentation :) We were not able to allow students to come up to express themselves on the mic, however we left the tokens with the Vice principal, who gave us the most touching thank you. Just like us, she genuinely sees beauty in every students eyes. She mentioned how the youth is doing so many positive things that are not being highlighted. We felt that the message was well received. After the presentation we had some teachers assist with the equipment, and once again just remain astonished at the magic of the Blue Buggy :) Piaye helped us realize that we are the Youth who have started saving the world and all the youth of our country are THE YOUTH THAT WILL CONTINUE SAVING THE WORLD! STAY BEAUTY FULL PIAYE!
We almost forgot that we had to revisit SDA, we had done the form 4 s previously however we had promised to return to present to the entire school. So happy that it work out for us to be there. What a wonderful time we had at SDA. The students and teachers were very attentive and appreciative of our sharing and presence. We enjoyed the fact the the teacher asked the students 3 things they learnt from the presentation. That was notable! The responses indicated that they were receiving the message. SDA turned out to be our final school on the Campaign Trail. Thanks for having us again SDA and STAY BEAUTIFUL!!
Monday 26 Sept, 2011- St. Mary's College
Monday 19th Sept- Micoud Secondary
Monday 19th Sept- VF Campus B
Here we were again on the southern trail from about 6am, heading to VF Campus B, for the second time. We were looking forward to having good weather and a very positive impact on the students. This time the sun was wide awake and blazing. The principal welcomed us and began organizing the students. They were definitely more attentive and generally receptive to the message. They seemed really intrigued by the STI component. About 20 mins into our 35 minute presentation the principal impressed on Ms Montoute to wrap up. Ms Montoute delivered to the best of her ability but was cut short by a 2 students fainting. We attended and assisted in stabilizing the students. We had to rush off because we were scheduled to visit Micoud secondary school. We are hopeful that the message reached the hearts and minds of those who most needed it! THANKS FOR HAVING US AGAIN! Pics coming up!
Monday 7th Sept- St. Joseph's Convent
Wednes 22nd June- Bonne Terre Prep (High School)
We were back up north this Wednes. on the road early searching the Bonne Terre area for the High school. Luckily Dr Matthew noticed a friend who happened to work at the school. We only a few seconds from it. :) We entered into the 'homey" school and began setting up as the students were organised in one room. Yes just about 40 of them. There was no need for sound for sure. They were quite pleasant and attentive throughout. They were all ears!! The staff was very helpful in getting us organised for the students. Some students were given wristbands for coming up to declare their beauty with much enthusiasm. We didn't have a camera with us however a teacher took some pics. Thank you BONNE TERRE for having us! Looking forward to the pics!
Wednes 8th June- Grande Riviere Secondary School
The team was very happy to have visited Grand Riviere Secondary, after having great difficulty locating the number in the directory. We were received with open arms, by the principal, teachers and small student population. The school has tremendous potential, yet not many persons realized that is no longer a senior sec, but a full Secondary School. It was a wonderful experience with the students, they were attentive throughout the presentation and even come to us offer to thanks and help. The teachers and counselor showed great appreciation. We did however observed that they were a bit shy to come up to the mic and declare their beauty, and BEAUTY FULL they were! THANK YOU GRANDE RIVIERE SECONDARY FOR HAVING US!!!!
Monday 6th June 2011- Vieux Fort Campus B
So here we were again heading down the southern road, never minding the dark heavy clouds that lingered above. We hoped that by the time we arrived at VF Campus B the weather would be ideal. Upon arrival we were greeted by the energetic principal who assisted us in setting up. I was able to share a short message on emotional health and song, however by the time Dr. Matthew received the mic, the rain came pouring. He only had a moment to encourage the students to be more settled pay more attention when visitors come to their school. The team looks forward to returning to VF Campus B to deliver the complete message. Again another BEAUTIFUL DAY , with plenty lessens and blessing!!
Wednesday 1st June 2011- Marigot Secondary
Monday 30th May 2011- Vieux Fort Campus A
The BLUE BUGGY hit the road very early to head down to Vieux Fort. We were looking forward to presenting to the lovely large population of form ones and twos of the VF Campus A. We set up in the open area. It was quite hot, it felt like a heat wave in the morning. We finished setting up as the teachers organised the students. Prayers were then conducted by the students. The presentation was more musical this time. Most of the students listened attentively, however there was a small group who remained quite unsettled. Some of the students were placed on the stage. Dr. Matthew got them involved in the presentation and I dedicated the "I Am Beautiful" song to them. We asked the same students to say why they think they were beautiful and gave them some bands and bookmarks as a prize. Although Ms. Montoute expressed a bit of disappointment with the unsettled behavior of some of the students (on behalf of the team), we were very pleased to be at VF Campus A to share the message. One student come up to thank us for coming and a some teachers expressed their appreciation. THANKS FOR HAVING US VF CAMPUS A!
Wednesday 25/05/2011- Vieux Fort Technical Secondary School
The Blue Buggy was on the road from 6:30am this morning heading down to VF Tech. No doubt we were excited, after already receiving such a positive and energetic response from the Principal. We set up in the hall and got assistance with the screen from staff. It was a bit of a challenge on my end getting the sound to its optimal, however things worked out well. The students were generally attentive and very intrigued by the singing, STI information and dental presentation. I encouraged the students to feel proud that they are technical and know that they can succeed and make great money with their skills. Ms. Montoute engaged one boy; invited him up and pointed out how beautiful his smile was. The students cheered! Dr. Matthew reiterated the need to love self in protecting yourself against STIs. A few came up to declare their beauty on the mic. We received a wonderful thank you from NINTUS a youth advocate, singer and teacher at the school. After the presentation, some students showed appreciation and of course solicited bands :) We received some refreshments. WE FELT THE LOVE!!!!!! VIEUX FORT TECH--- RESPECT!!! :)
Wednesday 18/05/2011- Seventh Day Academy
We were initially scheduled to deliver the presentation to the whole school, however the hall was being used by the CXC students. The secretary and teacher organised for us to speak to form 4s in one classroom. This was our smallest group to date. We presented without the sound system. Prior to going on, while tuning my guitar one of the strings burst :( this meant that my presentation would be greatly compromised. I was a bit disappointed and so were the students, however we forged on. Dr. Matthew, after completing the STI component, encouraged me to sing accepella and the students agreed and I did. They were allowed to ask questions after. They seemed very intrigued by Dr. Matthew's presentation on all the STI that had to no cure, and the ways they can be spread even through kissing. One of the students thanked us for coming and assured us that the information will be used to maintain their beauty. Thanks for having us SDA. We will be back to complete the rest of the school.
Monday 16/05/2011- Anse Ger Secondary School
The journeys down south are always in some way therapeutic. Today was no exception:) It was quite an eventful morning though. We had to make our way through the heavy showers in Castries. Both my self and Ms Montoute got some heavy rain blessing. It was great that we had the equipment packed in the Blue Buggy the night before. Getting to Anse Ger though was some what of a wild goose chase. We were of the impression the school was just about 10 minutes from Micoud secondary. We entered the wrong gap and had to be stopping ever so often to make sure that we were on the right track :). However we finally got there and was greeted by the vice principal. Students settled in there chairs as we set up sound and projection. They were quiet through out and seemed to have received the message well. Ms Montoute reminded the students that they are worth us coming down south and that they are Beautiful and should take care of their health. Some students assisted with carrying items to the vehicle. We past on the tokens to the vice principal who thanked us for coming. Another great day. THANK YOU ANSE GER!
Wednes. 11/05/2011- Entrepot Secondary School
Monday 09/05/2011- Piaye Secondary School
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